Therapeutic Exemption F.A.Q
Speaking Up to Share concerns about Doping
The World Anti-Doping Code 2021 encourages athletes and other individuals to speak up if they have concerns or information regarding doping. Here is the necessary information about speaking up as outlined in the Code:
Reporting concerns: The Code encourages anyone who has information or concerns about doping to report them to the appropriate authority. This includes athletes, coaches, medical professionals, and others who may have knowledge of doping practices.
Protection from retaliation: The Code includes provisions to protect individuals from retaliation or reprisals for reporting doping concerns. This protection extends to both the person making the report and any witnesses or others who may be affected by the report.
Confidentiality: The Code also includes provisions to protect the confidentiality of individuals who report doping concerns. Reports can be made anonymously, and any identifying information is kept confidential to the extent possible.
Anti-doping organizations' responsibilities: Anti-doping organizations are required to establish and publicize reporting mechanisms to allow individuals to report doping concerns. They are also responsible for investigating and addressing any reports of doping, and for ensuring that individuals who report concerns are protected from retaliation.
False reporting: The Code also includes provisions to discourage false reporting of doping concerns. Individuals who make false reports can be subject to disciplinary action.
Overall, the World Anti-Doping Code 2021 encourages individuals to speak up if they have concerns about doping, and provides protections to ensure that they can do so without fear of retaliation or reprisals. Anti-doping organizations have a responsibility to investigate and address any reports of doping, and to protect the confidentiality of individuals who make reports.